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"Build a bridge by extending a hand" -Ken Poirot

May the 4th Be With You

Happy JULY! The days are longer and nature continues to show off her stuff each day, be it beautiful, vivid days, new colors and blooms, or torrential downpour. Many in Tucker and our neighboring counties (Randolph, Preston, Grant and Pendleton) were impacted by flash flooding. If you can donate, please do! Flood Reflief--WV VOAD I don't know if it's the summer energy, but I have been feeling restless lately (vatta imbalance?), wanting to do more, be more. Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day and other times I am paralyzed because I don't know where to begin. I just want to charge forward evoking positive change of some kind. For now, I am just listening more, to my head and my heart and trying to build a stronger bridge between the two. Bridges can unite us over what feels like vast obstacles or small dips in the road. And, of course, building bridges helps us remember that we have more in common with each other then differences. If you are looking to make a difference and be inspired, please consider donating or getting involved in Stephen Smith's campaign as West Virginia's next governor! I have gotten involved as a Constituency Captain focusing on how to improve wellness and well-being across the state. Have ideas? Get in touch with me. Also, our friends at ACLU-WV are kicking off their 3 campaigns which will guide their work for the next decade: criminal justice reform, juvenile justice reform and defending democracy! Learn more.

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